A Cautionary Tale

Natasha Mayers and Eva Rose Goetz

October 4 - November 4, 2024

The first time Trump ran for President and won, Natasha Mayers and Eva Rose Goetz both were inspired to create work reflecting the pain and gob smacking absurdity of it all. Trumpism was too ridiculous--absurdist theater in action --only it was all too real. While much of the collective was in shock, Natasha and Eva painted, documenting feelings and events occurring as Trump occupied the white house.

Both artists independently of each other had used the Trump presidency as creative fodder, and felt exhibiting their work now, before the election, important. Their paintings are reminders and harbingers of the insane possibilities that can arise if Trump were to be re-elected.

As activists, Natasha and Eva wanted their paintings to become part of an event that would inspire engagement and conceived A Get Out the Vote Extravaganza where friends and neighbors could come together, share ideas, mingle, hear from their representatives, give stump speeches, and learn about rank choice voting. In Maine, we are lucky to have a vehicle where people can both vote their conscience and have their votes count. The work titled: A Cautionary tale invites folks to remember the past and take charge of the future. The world and planet are hurting and needs us.

Both artists share an underlying interest in activism and the need to explore important issues through their art.

Mayers paintings explore the violence we do unto one another and our planet. In these paintings we find Men are at the center: intoxicated, gambling, dangerous, blinded, going headstrong without a plan, damned, and doomed. Goetz's paintings utilize irony, humor and headlines of the time as a reflective mirror.  

Both artist's work are laced with frustration, pain, anger, humor, irony, analysis of the patriarchy, disregard for the earth and what the impact of white privilege has wrought on people and the planet.